1. 上海旅游景点英文介绍视频

i will pay a visit to shanghai this summer. this is my first trip to the modern city. i will get myself fully prepared and make careful plans. in addition i will invite some of my good friends to have fun together with me. i think our trip to shanghai will be exciting.

2. 介绍上海景点英语

[例句]hundreds of office buildings and homes developed large cracks in walls and ceilings..数百栋写字楼和住宅楼的墙壁和天花板上都出现了裂缝。

3. 旅游景点介绍视频用英文介绍

leshan buddha, also known as lingyun buddha, is located at lingyun temple on the east bank of nanminjiang river in leshan city, sichuan province. it is near the confluence of dadu river,qingyi river and minjiang river. the great buddha is a sitting statue of maitreya buddha. it is 71 meters high. it is the largest stone statue on a cliff in china.

leshan buddha was excavated in the first year of kaiyuan in tang dynasty (713), and completed in the nineteenth year of zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.

leshan grand buddha scenic spot, which consists of leshan grand buddha, lingyun mountain, wuyou mountain and huge crouching buddha, belongs to the national 5a-level tourist attraction and is a part of the world cultural and natural heritage emeishan-leshan grand buddha.

on october 8, 2018, the jiuqu trestle road of leshan grand buddha scenic area was closed before construction began. on april 1, 2019, the preliminary research and survey on rescue protection of the damaged

4. 上海景点介绍英文版

jna(jewellery news asia《亚洲珠宝》英文版)由亚洲博闻展览有限公司主办(香港九月国际珠宝展的主办方),力拓集团、周大福集团联合发起,联合赞助商有戴比尔斯钻石家族、安特卫普钻石中心、上海钻石交易所和粤海集团。jna各奖项的被提名者,都需通过独立、高透明度及严格的筛选过程。jna大奖乃珠宝界的年度瞩目盛事,旨在嘉许对珠宝行业追求卓越、持续创新及抱有热诚的业者和企业,并且表扬他们为推动亚洲地区珠宝业的增长和发展所作出的贡献。

5. 上海旅游景点英文介绍视频播放

如下:shanghai is a big city in china. there is a big tower “orental pearl” on the east side of huangpu river. of course, there is huangpu bund on the west side of the river. there are many people coming to see the scene at the festival period. shanghai is also famous in terms of its shops and restaurants. there are hundred thousands people all over the world to visit the city every year.

6. 上海旅游景点英文介绍简短

hello, everyone. welcome to tokyo disneyland for sightseeing. i'm your guide. i'm very happy to trace my childhood with you in this fairy tale cartoon paradise. i hope my explanation will leave a deep impression on you!

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